

Logos are getting dynamic – they show variable messages – they get more flexible in communication. The first step in this direction is done by Deutsche Telekom AG with the digital version of their „T“ logo. This “retrofit” logo with an overall height of 5m was installed on top of the roof of the company’s headquarters on Thursday.


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The special highlight: The magenta coloured surface of the „T“ logo and the four digits are each of them a digital LED-Wall on which animated content can be displayed. The technical implementation originates from the startup LightnTec from Karlsruhe. “By means of ledTec.flex (digital light foil invented by LightnTec) we are in the position to equip every form and size. Meanwhile we do reach a luminous intensity of 5.000 Lumen with our technology.”, explains Florian Kall, one of the managing directors of LightnTec GmbH. Alltogether the „T“ logo consists of 84 light foils cut in “T”-shape with more than 11.000 LED spots. These spots are controlled as one screen by an appropriate video technology.

Another crucial advantage of the LightnTec foil is that the screen surface is not getting black in case that no content is displayed on the monitor, as the surface of the foils is coloured in Telekom #loveMagenta. „We are extremely flexible with utilisation possibilities of our light foil. It is not without reason that we have the slogan: anySize – anyShape – anyPlace“, adds Stephan Wittekind of LightnTec.

The concept for the application of dynamic logos was developed by the agency MetaDesign GmbH. Thereby the aim is being pursued to add one more parameter to the classical ones “light, shape and colour”: dynamism.